
Trying a new site!

I’m aware this could be bad for business.


same title: Staring in French


This weather is blowing my mind. It’s so perfect out it’s a joke. Why do I keep leaving?

It’s good to be home.


Pics of some art I had to throw away:


Beautiful modern Japanese woven “baskets” at the Mass Museum of Fine Arts (It was free today!!)


I wheeled my sculpture professor around in a garden cart today.

I also sat, for the first time, in the tree-hung bench that overlooks Paradise Pond. This scene was the first glimpse I ever had of Smith College, a poster on the wall of my adviser’s office, way back in high school. Today, 5 years later, as some sort of romantic last gesture, I took my place “in the poster.”



It’s 4 pm, two weeks from the summer solstice. It’s nearly black outside, certainly black in the house without the lights on, it’s 90 degrees, and the wind is damn near howling. When I was outside playing ball with Dallas, tree detritus pelted me so hard I thought it had started to rain. Watching the trees sway like pentecostals at Sunday Service I thought “It would be ok if the world ended right now.”

Now I’m inside, it’s pouring rain, the lightning is over my head, I just heard a crack that sounded like a gunpowder explosion outside my window, and I kind of wish I weren’t alone in the house. Funny how fear comes and goes like that.

And by the way of nothing, here are a few images of art that I’ve done this year. (My apologies for the two sideways pictures… they would NOT rotate and save I don’t know why but I’ll fix it later.)

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In the Woods

bar-AK. I don’t remember setting an alarm.

30 seconds later… bar-AK.

Oh, right, the parrot. KUQUAAAAT, shut up! please shut up! “braak please shut up.” 

There’s something wiggling down by my feet, and a heavy weight pressing against the front of my body. There is fur in my mouth. Crap, now Leo is moving. Is on top of me – oof – is … cold wet nose yach in my face Leo please get off this is very uncomfortable and it is still very early. Once I sit up – someone is meowing in the kitchen – the large one curled up by my chest is sitting, alert, ready for the command. It’s too bad the two dogs, two cats and parrot within 20 feet of my bed don’t understand “pleeeease go back to sleep it’s only 7am.”

Thus is life at this beautiful little cabin in Chesterfield.

Here are a few pictures of the aminals.

It happened. My first Real Job Interview. Not to be called “normal” or “average” in any way, my interview day included grand tours* of their one and only campus, Epic Systems Intergalactic Headquarters. It cannot be beat. They hired one architect from Google, and one from Disney, and they really did end up with something in the middle. And they’re not done: it’s still growing. In fact, they cannot build as fast as they are hiring. They’re trying to build a 13,000 seat stadium underground. WHAT? Yes, seriously.

The only thing stronger than the campus in the Epic Battle for Glory is the company’s ethics. Enormous geothermal installation. Solar panels and wind turbines. Underground parking to avoid runoff. Bought 800 acres of farm land and leased it back to keep farmers in business and preserve the land from development. Support of local artists (the CEO, Judy [a woman!!], says ” I have about a million square feet to decorate”). Privately owned, with no prospects of going public, because you can’t satiate shareholders and improve healthcare at the same time. It’s all about the customers and the employees. Can’t ask for more.

The dress code: You must be wearing clothing, if there are customers on site.

And Madison wasn’t half bad, either!

*I also did interviews, talked to lots of people, took a few tests, and ate lunch. Yes, lunch.

Sneeze, please

I’m so full of thoughts and emotions I can’t possibly bottle them, let alone pour them into a well-organized thesis on Graduation and Life.

So here’s a video I did for an installation I made this semester.

What am I doing

Whaaaat am I doing, what am I doing, what am I doing.

What am I doing?

Sort of working for an architecture firm, one known for cohousing. Unpaid. Sort of living there. Sort of living at the presidents house to dog-sit. Paid, a little.

Coming home for camp. Paid, I hope.


then       ….

maybe going to France to do pottery but I’m not sure I can handle it and don’t know why I’m applying or whether I’m anywhere near qualified and can’t really find anyone who knows enough to help me even though it sounds totally ideal for me so I should really go for it feeling very insecure and no one ever said that senioritis involved more serious emotions than apathy
